Interhomeopathy - Editorial: Actinides - act one
2010 October

Editorial: Actinides - act one

by editorial team

As you will have noticed in the previous issue, we are now trying to bundle cases of remedies from the same family or of a similar theme. The current issue has several cases which have been treated successfully with radio-active remedies, mostly from the group of the Actinides (the Uranium series). Common to these cases is a certain world view, as though one is older and wiser than one’s years, regardless of one’s actual age. Often there are severe pathologies: bone marrow disorders or congenital malformations, and the patient is used to feeling near to death. Margriet Plouvier from Holland has written extensively on the topic and we thought it useful to re-publish her introduction on the topic. We received more cases than we could fit in a single issue, so we will continue with this theme in the November issue.

As a special treat, we are presenting Torako Yui’s story of how she came in contact with homeopathy due to her own illness, and how her subsequent healing induced her to introduce homeopathy to her native Japan – a truly inspiring tale of dauntless enthusiasm and idealism on how one woman can achieve the seemingly impossible. This is the first part of her story and it will be continued next month.

On a sad note, the passing of David Warkentin, much-loved and respected founder of Mac Repertory and Reference Works, is commemorated in two obituaries: one by Roger Morrison and one by Christine Breen. Although David’s work will continue, his presence will be sorely missed.

We hope that you will enjoy this issue and we continue to invite you to send in your articles and your comments.  

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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