Interhomeopathy - Hydrocyanicum Acid -2-
2008 Mai

Hydrocyanicum Acid -2-

de Ulrich Welte
Hydr Acid Part II

The Spanish Flu and Hydr Acid
The dynamic picture of the Spanish Flu is similar to the picture of the toxicology of cyanide poisoning and to the clinical picture of hydrocyanicum acid. The only feature which is not so clearly seen in the Spanish Flu is the convulsive, tetanic and epileptic nature of hydr-ac. This may be due to its rapid progression into the de state. A violent delirium is also mentioned and may represent the initial state. More common is the de(?) state of acute lethargy or bulbar paralysis. It is surprising that there is no mentioning of this remedy by any of the homeopathic physicians treating the pandemic. It seems that the classic influenza remedies were chosen according to classic symptomatology, and they did their job well. But this disease was no ordinary influenza. Whatever hydr-ac might have done in the Spanish Flu remains a hypothetical issue. But in case that we should experience something similar in the future we can think of this remedy. Such a scenario is dreaded by leading virologists, and many are even quite sure that such a thing is going to happen again. It is now generally agreed that the virus of the Spanish Flu had an avian precursor and there is a close similarity with the H5N1 virus of the contemporary Bird Flu.

Characteristics and symptoms of cyanide poisoning:
Symptoms of acute cyanide poisoning are cy and intense air-hunger. Foam at the mouth, bright red or pink spots over the body. Victims die with half-closed eyes. There is a detailed summary of symptoms of cyanide poisoning in Sei’s “Heilmittelarchiv” which will be published in 5 volumes at the end of 2008 by Narayana Verlag.
“Where cyanide has been inhaled the patient may feel generally unwell and experience a headache, dizziness, giddiness, confusion and/or anxiety. Patients may also experience an irregular heartbeat and tightness in the chest. In severe cases breathing becomes rapid and deep and then becomes slow and gasping. Fluid may fill the lungs and interfere with breathing. Unconsciousness, convulsions and death can quickly follow depending on the degree of exposure. A sign that is sometimes found when cyanide poisoning has occurred is a red or pink discolouration of the skin1”.

A case of cyanide poisoning in Japan: “A fishing-boat was smoked with cyanide-gas to rid vermin. A thirty-year old male was found dead in a cabin of the boat. Autopsy revealed fluid blood, and petechial haemorrhage in conjunctivas, thymus, heart and lungs. Lung, spleen, kidney and other organs were strongly congested … the bloody foam and solution were also observed in trachea. From these autopsy findings, it was consideed that he failed into severe dyspnea. Furthermore, postmortem lividity was bright pink color and the left cardiac blood was also bright pink, so there was markly different between the color of right and left cardiac blood2".

Kyanite crystal

Some characteristics of Hydr-ac:
One of the most deadly poisons killing rapidly by suffocation. The keyword “cy” is even reflected in its name: “cyan” is the Greek “kyanos” and means deep blue. This comes from a blue pigment deived from kali (see also the cases of kali-f-cy in this (?) edition). In German, hydr-ac it is called “Blausäure” (blue acid). Hydr acid is one of the main remedies in malignant cy and collapse. It comes on sudden and violent (which may be likened to the cytokine storm mentioned before). Asphyxia, breathing slow, irregular, gasping. A convulsive and violent remedy like lyss. Its proving symptoms are mostly in the respiration and chest region.

The chemical composition of Hydr-ac is H: Hydrogen, Carbon and Nitrogen.
Hydrogen:   the acid principle, sudden onset, vehement, issues of life and death, to be or not to be.
Carbon:     physical structure, rigid or labile physical existence, imminent death and fear of death.
Nitrogen:   suffocative expansion, takes much space, assertive, vascular activity.

Cyanide or CN suppresses or blocks oxygen: it stifles breathing and suffocates by blocking the Fe-atom of cytochrome-oxidase of the respiratory chain. It is the active substance in Zyklon B, which has become notorious for being one of the deadliest poisons in history. Another notorious killer is potassium cyanide or Cyankali, well known as a rapid acting suicide substance. Especially the cyan salts with Stage1 cations such as hydrogen (hydr-ac), kali (kali-cy) and nat (nat-cy) are the most poisonous ones. Whereas cynanides in bitter almonds are less virulent.

DD cy:
Rosaceae, esp. laur, contain cyanides and share some cyan aspects such as cy and dyspnoea, but they have a romantic undetone unlike hydr-ac;
Carbons, esp. carb-ac and carb-v are either more sluggish or more rigid;
Snake venom may also contain or release H according to personal information by Louis Klein, especially from the crot family (bitis, both, bung, crot-c, crot-h, and lach). But snake remedies have a more septic character and are more flattering and treacherous in their onset, they rather attack in a roundabout way than directly;
Cupr and camph: the bowel disorde is more pronounced, camph is colde, but it cannot stand covering, is less paralytic;
Opium: more constipated, less active air-hunger, dyspnoea more passive although otherwise very similar;
Lyss is more psychotic and has a dependent attitude undeneath its violence (the rabid dog).

Remedy Graph

Hydr-ac cases
We have seen four hydr-ac cases. They give individual flesh to the three different structural components, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. Three cases were clear and deep. Two of them are overlooked for more than 10 years. The fourth is very promising but it is too early to present it in detail (the patient was already scheduled for lung transplantation due to massive dyspnoea and lung emphysema. Operation is now suspended after improvement lung function under hydr-ac).

Case 1
Architect, 41 years. Allergic asthma, obstructive rhinitis, hyperkinetic heart syndrome. He was born as a blue baby with the umbilical cord wrapped twice around his throat and he had nearly died during birth. At 8 years he was operated on for polyps because of snoring and sleep apnoea. He suffered from frequent attacks of sudden maddening headache, allergic shocks and dyspnoea after a wasp sting; sudden violent heartbeat with cold perspiration. He had a tendency to exaggerate things and dramatize his complaints to an extent as if the whole world was just coming to an end. In these states he took an enormous amount of mental space in communication and made others feel suffocated by talking them to the wall. He could work days and nights together, but also have phases of complete collapse. After hydr-ac MK he had no more obstructive complaints in breathing, his heart complaints ceased, no more cold sweat. He became more pleasant to deal with and respects the space of others. His color preference is orange 4C.

Case 2
Powerful woman of 50 years with a sense of enthusiasm. She is suffering from constriction in heart region, has to take deep breaths which ameliorate; pulsating pain in blue varicose veins with taut fullnes < pressure; abdomen bloated and “full of eerie gas” (“voller unheimlicher Gase”). She is a leading member of an international organization, but was shifted and had difficulty with her company. She could be domineering by infective joy, but during anamnesis she took too much space and talked like one who is used to others listening and herself talking, making others feel small. High energy level, never tired. Afraid not to wake any more when going to sleep. Agg. narrow places, crowds; desire fat, especially goose fat. She was given hydr-ac MK 3 times in 3 years, each time with great benefit and quickly acting: all complaints ceased. Acute pains in heart were gone the same day of first dose, also fear of never waking and fear of heart failure. She was fine for 3 years. After the second year the venous problems with fullness and pulsating pain came back. In the meantime she was promoted by her company and was proud and satisfied “now I am the total boss over a whole country”. Platina was tried with no effect, then again hydr-ac did the job beautifully. She is well for many years. Her color preferences are orange 4C and blue 1.
Case 3
Stout man of 70 years with a huge bloated belly, plethoric with purple face and puffing respiration, suffering from cardiovascular disease and dyspnoea, a typical “blue bloater” with polyglobulia and sleep apnoea. He used to feel temporary relief after bloodletting. He was a noisy and reckless man, taking a lot of space in “conversation” which meant himself talking and others listening. A manic type, spontaneous and huge. If another had something to say he would just get louder and talk him down by his enormous presence, snorting with laughter. He could be fun in a way if one let him be and laughed with him. He was the head of a carnival association and was a famous speaker “in de Bütt”. Hydr-ac helped him much, but did not cure fully and had to be repeated often as LM6. As long as he took the remedy his apnoea ceased, he coughed less and had great relief of heart pain. He insisted continuing with different allopathic medicines although he had no tangible relief of these until he got hydr-ac.
His color preference was orange-red 6C and blue 1. The slight divergence of his color preference from the main frequency3 of hydr-ac (pure orange 4-5C) may show that the remedy was close, but still slightly out of tune with his basic emotional vibration and thus did not cure.

Essence of hydr-ac
Cyanosis. A vehement and suffocating presence
An essence of the remedy can be deived from these cases as well by its chemical constituents:
Cyanosis (CN) with a vehement (H) and suffocating (N) presence (H).
Manic (H), takes his surroundings by storm4 (H), stifles (CN) opposition by talking others down (H); this is also reflected in the proving symptom: fear of being run over by cars (lyss and op also have it).
Takes too much space (N) and suffocates (CN) others and himself.
The color preference is orange 4-5C and blue 15-1, less pronounced.
It is interesting to see the handwriting of these patients; they write huge and reckless, take enormous space; the writing speed and drive is forward-oriented and quick5.

Cyanide poisoning, hydr-ac and the Spanish Flu
Cyanide poisoning may be compared to the dying flame of a candle put unde an air-tight glass cover. First it burns for some time as if there is nothing wrong, eating up the remaining oxygen. Then it gets smaller and fainter. Then comes a phase when it struggles for life until it fades out and dies. Cyanide blocks oxygenation. At first there is still sufficient normal blood left to supply some oxygen and the flame of life continues to burn, but with the decrease of supply of oxygen the victim starts panting for air. Cyanosis sets in. The end is a convulsive panting for air and finally death comes by suffocation. The flame of life gets extinguished. This looks quite like the description of victim's dying of the Spanish Flu. First they feel just slightly uneasy and say there is nothing wrong with them. Then they begin to fade quickly and start panting for air, the typical purple cy sets in, they go into a convulsion and die from suffocation. The picture of hydr-ac mirrors this and could be a remedy for future pandemics of that kind.

8. Questions and Answers about Cyanide goto ->
9. Shikoku Acta Medica 1999
10. Frequencies of orange light are 513 - 462 THz with wavelenghts of 585 - 650 nm: see resp.
11. like a cytokine storm
12. Ulrich Welte: Handwriting and Homeopathy, 2005; p. 178 (shows handwriting samples of 3 hydr-ac patients)

Catégories: Remèdes
Mots clés: Hydr acid, hydr-ac, Spanish Influenza, bird flu, cy, cytokine storm, cyanides

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