February 2015

Pressured to have a child: a case of Ekebergia capensis - 655.47.07

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by Michaela Zorzi

Woman, thirty-one, crisis around pregnancy and family

She wanted to become pregnant and underwent IVF treatment unsuccessfully three times. She especially did this for her father, who expects from her to be a "normal" woman with a family. She would, however, prefer to get a good job as an economist after her studies. She is eager to learn a lot and to have a family too, but without pressure; she also could accept adopting a child. She is creative and is always interested in new experiences and challenges. Her family is very traditional and religious and has certain expectations of the children. Her sisters and brother already have children and are working in a kindergarten and at school; they completely fulfill the expectations of the family. Her mother has been a day nanny until now, looking after children in her home and proud of being at home all the time. The patient, however, felt neglected as a child, growing up between the day-care children of her mother. She would like to do something special with her life but she is afraid of becoming a complete outsider in the family. Her husband also feels the pressure from his father- in- law and so he puts much pressure on his wife to get pregnant. He cannot tolerate the idea of adoption at all. The crisis has become acute now because she does not want to have another IVF because of the painful process. She already had an ovarian torsion a few years ago after some attempts with Gestagen. Her mood is changeable, she weeps easily. She bites her nails.

Lacrimation from drafts
Bladder sensitive to cold
Food: craving for sweets
Menses scanty and irregular after last IVF

Silver series: religion, being special, creative
Phase 4: strong family ties
Subphase 7: fear of being excluded, feeling neglected
Stage 7: wanting to learn

Prescription: Ekebergia capensis 200C

Follow up
After taking the remedy three times within three months, her menses become regular and more intense. After six months, she found her dream job. She and her husband started psychotherapy and he can now consider an adoption. The fear of becoming excluded from her family has gone completely and she feels like a full member of the family.

Photo: Shutterstock
Excluded; bikeridelondon

Categories: Cases
Keywords: irregular menses, IVF, fear of exclusion, neglected child, pressured to have a child
Remedies: Ekebergia capensis

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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