Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Sujit Chatterjee: Searching For Answers

Homeopathic treatment of cancer patients requires great flexibility.

Drawing on a range of case histories of cancer patients, the author explains his treatment strategy, which is adapted to the current symptoms and the level at which the symptoms are expressed. He thereby distinguishes between the cases treated exclusively with homeopathy and those in which homeopathy is used to complement conventional treatment.

Key concepts: Androctonus, Bacillinum, Banerji protocols, breast cancer, Calcium fluoricum, cancer, Carcinosinum, chemotherapy, Cobaltum metallicum, Condurango, esophagal cancer, lung cancer, Lycopodium, multiple myeloma, Natrium muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, plussing method, Pulsatilla, radiotherapy, Radium bromatum, Ruta graveolens, tongue cancer, thyroid cancer, Staphisagria, Thuja, Thyroidinum, Uranium nitricum


Sujit Chatterjee: Searching For Answers

Cancer - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2014
Sujit Chatterjee: Searching For Answers

Homeopathic treatment of cancer patients requires great flexibility.

Drawing on a range of case histories of cancer patients, the author explains his treatment strategy, which is adapted to the current symptoms and the level at which the symptoms are expressed. He thereby distinguishes between the cases treated exclusively with homeopathy and those in which homeopathy is used to complement conventional treatment.

Key concepts: Androctonus, Bacillinum, Banerji protocols, breast cancer, Calcium fluoricum, cancer, Carcinosinum, chemotherapy, Cobaltum metallicum, Condurango, esophagal cancer, lung cancer, Lycopodium, multiple myeloma, Natrium muriaticum, Nitricum acidum, plussing method, Pulsatilla, radiotherapy, Radium bromatum, Ruta graveolens, tongue cancer, thyroid cancer, Staphisagria, Thuja, Thyroidinum, Uranium nitricum


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