Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - E-Book 2012

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - E-Book 2012, Narayana Verlag
120 Seiten, Heft
erschienen: 2012
Best.-Nr.: 26084

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - E-Book 2012

Narayana Verlag

Cats and Dogs, Burnout - Panic - Depression and The Lanthanides
€ 59,00
€ 39,00
120 Seiten, Heft
erschienen: 2012
Best.-Nr.: 26084

Spectrum of Homeopathy is Narayana Publishers’ journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Key-issues of 2012: Cats and Dogs, Burnout - Panic - Depression and The Lanthanides

Editorial team
We have two distinguished chief editors to ensure editorial quality and act as technical advisors: the journalist Christa Gebhardt and the homeopath Dr. Jürgen Hansel. With this journal, we are delighted to foster fruitful co-operation between experienced and creative homeopaths throughout Europe, Canada, the USA and India. We also offer a network for our customers, providing easy access to a valuable set of contacts, linking them together.

Issue 2012-1: Cats and Dogs

Issue 2012-2: Burnout - Panic - Depression

Issue 2012-3: The Lanthanides

€ 59,00
€ 39,00

Spectrum of Homeopathy is Narayana Publishers’ journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Key-issues of 2012: Cats and Dogs, Burnout - Panic - Depression and The Lanthanides

Editorial team
We have two distinguished chief editors to ensure editorial quality and act as technical advisors: the journalist Christa Gebhardt and the homeopath Dr. Jürgen Hansel. With this journal, we are delighted to foster fruitful co-operation between experienced and creative homeopaths throughout Europe, Canada, the USA and India. We also offer a network for our customers, providing easy access to a valuable set of contacts, linking them together.

Issue 2012-1: Cats and Dogs

Issue 2012-2: Burnout - Panic - Depression

Issue 2012-3: The Lanthanides

Dieses Produkt ist zur Zeit nicht lieferbar.
€ 59,00
€ 39,00

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Download did not work - far too complicated. Waste of money.
Download did not work - far too complicated. Waste of money. weiterlesen ...
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